melatonina – EKŌ-01 VA


Conceived as an ecotonal space where the multiple sonic reinterpretations of the composition can converge, we are pleased to present the first compilation of EKŌ, a platform inspired by the essence of the spatial and acoustic propagation of rhythmic and experimental phenomena. Which seeks to share through this selection different ideas and creative sensibilities around experimental dancefloor. Where it is sought that, through the value of sharing in equitable and diverse ways, it is motivated to generate changing, thinking and sensitive spaces from, to and with what happens in the world and on the dance floor.

EKŌ baste together and puts in dialogue the personal universes of each creator in this compilation, also as a presentation of what EKŌ is and intends to generate, allowing us to access those meeting points that occur beyond the physical.

Enjoy, dance, share love and music.


bandcamp | soundcloud